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Patent Prosecution: Appeals

Patent prosecution: Appeals An applicant for a patent whose claims has been twice rejected can file an appeal before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

Patentable Subject Matter

Patentable, statutory or patent-eligible subject matter is subject matter which is eligible for patent protection. The national legislation or international treaty decides if the subject

Limit your expenses: File Provisional First

Limit your expenses: File Provisional First The basic idea behind any of the patent is generating money. The patent is obtained on a product to

How your country benefit from your patent

How your country benefit from your patent The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is in charge of the United States patent system. The patent

Why hire a patent attorney?

Why hire a patent attorney? An inventor is a knowledgeable person in technology but usually not well versed with the legal requirements of patent laws

Drafting Claims

Claims of a patent application capture the core of an invention in a clear and complete manner. Claims define the boundaries for protection of the