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Trademarks Search

A Guide to Filing & Prosecuting a Mark

IP Procure’ trademark attorney has conducted analytical and comprehensive registrability searches for trademarks and/or service marks using the US trademark office’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) and the World Intellectual Property Office database, i.e., Romarin and Madrid Express for registered trademarks and pending trademarks.

Call Ash Tankha Toll Free at 1-866-387-5386 for a Free Initial Consultation.

The trademark search strategy includes searching for trademarks and service marks that sound alike, are similar or confusingly similar to registered marks, foreign translations, phrases, etc. Also, the trademark lawyer at IP Procure perform focused trademark searches based on the class of goods or services that a trademark applicant intends to use the trademark for. The firm’s trademark attorney evaluates the trademark search results in detail, if required, to determine whether there is a likelihood of confusion with the use of client’s/applicant’s trademark of a product placed in interstate commerce and provides a legal opinion on the registrability of the trademark or service mark.

Our firm provides our clients with a trademark questionnaire to be filled out by the trademark applicant. This trademark questionnaire is a one-time request for all information that the trademark attorney requires for the preparation and filing of the trademark application. Once the trademark search is completed, the results are sent to the trademark applicant usually within 1-3 business days.

The mark may include standard characters and/or design elements or have a stylized or a specialized drawing format. In order to initiate a trademark search, only the answered questionnaire that the firm provides is required by the attorney. Also required is a high resolution digital image of the trademark or service mark as used in commerce or that is intended to be used in commerce and a description of the class of goods or services the trademark or service mark is intended to be associated with.

For more details on trademarks see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Trademarks.

For trademark assistance contact our managing trademark attorney Ash Tankha or fill out the trademark application at Trademarks Application