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Public Use

Public Use Any invention on the date or before the date of priority is in public use or sale bars patent rights of the inventor.

Search Techniques

Search Techniques A comprehensive prior art search involves wide variety of techniques to arrive at the most relevant results pertaining to a present invention. A

Patent Claims

Patent claims constitute a techno-legal section of every patent/patent application and define the scope of protection for the patent/patent application. The patent claims form the

Utility Patents and Design Patents

Utility Patents and Design Patents When most people discuss about a patent, a utility patent is the one which comes into their mind. There is

Patent Office Action

Patent Office Action An office action is a written notification of any USPTO decision to applicant(s) about a patent application filed by the applicant. The

Patent Application Extensions

Patent Application Extensions Once a patent application has been submitted it is possible to have an extension to the application. That means it is possible